Our School Day


For morning Nursery, parents and carers should bring their children to the nursery entrance and wait until the gates and doors open at 8:30 am. The gates and doors will remain open until approximately 8:40 am. Children should be collected at 11:30 am.

For afternoon Nursery, parents and carers should arrive at the nursery entrance and wait until the gates and doors open at 12:30 pm, remaining open until approximately 12:40 pm. Children should be collected at 3:30 pm.

Reception – Year 6

For the rest of the school, gates open at 8:30 am and close at 8.40, with the bell ringing at 8:35 am. The doors will stay open for 10 minutes, closing at 8:45 am. Parents and carers should wait with their children on the playground until staff open the main school doors. At the end of the day, gates open at 3:15 pm and close at 3:25 pm. Parents and carers are reminded to supervise their children on the playground in the mornings, as responsibility lies with them until the children enter the school building. Children should not be left unattended. Children in Year 5 and 6, who have permission to walk to school unaccompanied should aim to arrive for 8.35 when the doors open.

We operate a one way system around school which must be adhered to, this is for the safety of our pupils and yourselves with the large amount of people walking around school at the same time.

The typical school week is 32.5 hours.