The aims of the Geography Curriculum at Frederick Bird Academy are:

- To inspire a curiosity about, and interest in, our world and its people
- To develop knowledge of diverse places in the UK and around the world and their geographical characteristics
- To understand key human and physical geographical features of the world and how these relate to each other
- To develop geographical skills including map work and field work and the communication of geographical information.
Delivering the Geography Curriculum at Frederick Bird Academy:
In Nursery and Reception, children begin their Geographical learning through learning about their own environment and the local area. Children learn to describe other environments around the world and talk about what is the same and what is different in this country and in other countries.
In the Thematic Curriculum in Years 1-6, Geographical knowledge and skills are taught within many of the themes in each phase, including in Themes such as Ahoy There, The World’s Kitchen and Disaster. Progression in skills is supported through a Geography Strand Tracker which identifies age-related expectations for key geographical knowledge and skills:
- Locational Knowledge – UK
- Locational Knowledge – World
- Map Work
- Field Work
- Geographical Enquiry

As well as developing children’s knowledge of their locality, our Geography curriculum celebrates countries and communities around our world through focused study of contrasting places in the UK, for example Bakewell and London, and around the world, for example India, Alaska and California.